UNESCO in Paris

Martin Aufmuth speaks to UNESCO in Paris | © Mathilde Iweins – EinDollarBrille

OneDollarGlasses at UNESCO in Paris

On January 20, 2015, Martin Aufmuth, Founder and 1st chairman of OneDollarGlasses gave a speech at UNESCO in Paris. Around 1,000 global scientists and government representatives were gathered for the grand opening event of the International Year of Light. The opening speech was given by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.

Martin Aufmuth began his speech with the following question to his audience: “Assuming there were only one pair of glasses in the world, what would you pay for it: 1,000 Euros? 10,000 Euros? Half your life income? ” The feedback was fascinating:  the majority of those present raised their hands at EUR 1,000, many also at EUR 10,000 and some were willing to invest half their income. It was clear that glasses are vital for many of us – we take them for granted because, unlike millions of poor people, we can buy glasses any time.


Photos: Internet; story: Martin Aufmuth

“I don’t have to climb anymore! I don’t have to climb anymore! “

José, Acai farmer in Brazil – can already see from below if the fruits on the palm are ripe.